Improve Your Accent to Speak Confidently and Be Better Understood
Work with a Licensed Speech Therapist and Los Angeles Best Accent Reduction Trainer, Derra Huxley, M.A, to improve your verbal communication skills.
Take Our Free Pronunciation Screening
See if the Accent Reduction program is right for you. It only takes a few minutes and there is no obligation.
Do people have a hard time understanding what you say?
If you speak English as your second language or are just starting to learn English, you might find certain sounds in the English language are harder to say than others. This is where I can help you!
Meet Derra Huxley, M.A.
Speech and Language Pathologist in Los Angeles, CA
Derra specializes in Accent Reduction Training. She is trained and certified in using the nationally acclaimed Compton P-ESL Program through the Institute of Language and Phonology. Derra has also created original materials that may be used throughout the course.
Derra works with business professionals, doctors, lawyers, actors, professors, and other people around the world who want to improve their pronunciation of Standard American English.
Our Services
Accent Modification Program
Get started with our Accent Modification Program to attain clear communication skills.
Online Accent Reduction Training
Online Accent Reduction training enables you to learn from anywhere in the world to improve your speech.
Benefits of Accent Reduction
Find out how professionals, doctors, lawyers, actors, and professors can benefit from Accent Reduction.
Achieve Success in an English-Speaking Society
There are some simple ways to know whether your accent is standing between you and your success in an English-speaking society.
- Are you often misunderstood?
- Do people frequently ask you to repeat yourself?
- Do you feel that people are focusing more on your accent than on what you are saying?
- Do you fear that your accent is standing in the way of getting the job you want, or from being promoted at your work?
- Do you feel embarrassed and upset when people have difficulty understanding you?
I can help you to speak more confidently and be understood.
Goals for Accent Modification
The most important goals of accent modification are speaking English with improved pronunciation and being clearly understood by others. While retaining the charm of your native accent, you will be able to:
- Be understood at work and at school
- Enhance your social communication
- Achieve greater career and professional advancement
- Build your self-confidence
Benefits of Accent Reduction for Specific Professions
Health Professionals
Educational Field
Business Environment
See What Our Clients Are Saying
Learning with you was a very pleasant experience. I always felt comfortable to keep trying even when I had difficulty in making certain sounds. The information on your website says you are a patient, caring, and enthusiastic professional, and it is not a false advertisement!
I saw a friend today who I hadn’t seen for a few months. She didn’t know that I was taking accent reduction classes and told me, ‘Oh, my goodness, what happened to your accent? Did you lose it???’ …just wanted to thank you and share with you my little personal victory.
Derra always showed a great deal of interest in each session. At the beginning of each session, she was extremely well prepared, giving me the impression that she had been working hours before our meeting planning and designing the class.
The course materials are very well structured and provide an important resource even after I finish with the course. I can keep using them on my own and continue to improve my accent as much as I need or want to.”